In 2023 at Realcast during 1 year, I led and work on the integration of The Adventure of Hangar Y, a mixed reality experience set in the historic Hangar Y in Meudon, France.
The experience explores significant moments in the hangar’s history, such as the design and launch of the airship La France in 1884 by engineers Charles and Paul Renard, and Arthur Krebs.
Managing up to 30 visitors at a time across a 700m² space with 100 headsets was a major challenge. I developed a flow map to ensure visitors moved smoothly through the experience without overlap or crowding around the holograms. This required careful planning and crowd control strategies to ensure an optimal experience for all.
I also managed the motion and facial capture of all the characters and dialogues of the experience, like in the example below where I captured Charle's animation with live monitoring directly in Unity.